Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 was a year of self-focused physical improvement for me, working on the self, making health and fitness part of my norm. In 2009, I want to turn some of that focus outward and focus on hearth and home and recapturing the sense of "safe haven" that this house once held for me... as opposed to the current sense of "never ending money pit" and "sty."

In 2008, I practiced my unlistening skills. That voice in my head? Yeah, she's kind of a nit-picky bitch. In 2008 I learned to stick my fingers in my ears and sing "nanner nanner boo boo" until she was drowned out. But ignoring her did not make her go away, and sometimes when I am not paying attention, she pipes up once again, finger-pointing to the "would haves" and should haves" and "could haves" not taken.

In 2009, I want to banish her. For good. Like dead and gone. Nothing good comes from the criticism and the "not good enough" mantra. So while I participate in 365 Days, she dare not rear her naggy head to point out crows feet and laugh lines and a double chin. Not only am I not going to listen, but I am going to shut her ass down. For real. And if I muster up the courage to actually write something besides blog posts, she will have no editorial license with me.

So that's it. Pretty simple and straightforward resolutions. Focus on getting this home back in shape, focus on getting my psyche in shape. Oh, and I'm running a half marathon in April. Because 13.1 miles? Half my ass. Just feeling like it's OK to register for this mutha is a full-on accomplishment.

2009 is going to be the bomb. Seriously. I'm ready to kick some ass this year.


In my quest for something "new" to do in 2009, I signed up for 365 Days on flickr. Now I am stealing an idea that I learned about from my friend karismar, though the challenge originated here. (Thanks, Schmutzie, for the cool badge and challenge.)

Grace in small things. Being thankful for what we have. Appreciation. Positive thinking. Gratitude. This is stuff that I need to work on in 2009. Like, big time.

By nature, my glass is ALWAYS half empty. And the stuff in the glass? Yeah, probably backwash from one of my kids drinking out of my glass. This has always been my attitude. 

I have these days of great appreciation for everything in my life, and feel lucky and blessed and thankful for the life I live. But those days are outnumbered by the days that I spend stressing over what we don't have, perceived unmet needs and pining for things that I don't need at all but still covet just the same.

So two challenges for me in 2009: finding grace every day and looking at myself every day, hopefully with kindness and less criticism.

My resolutions are still in the formative stage. I made resolutions in 2008 and actually stuck with them and good things resulted. I lost 45 pounds (and have kept it off) and started running (and have kept it up). So I am on the resolution bandwagon. 

So. Resolutions. And Champagne. Lots of Champagne. That's my plan for this New Year's Eve.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

365 Days

I've been trying to think of something creative or unique to do in the New Year. But because I am neither creative nor unique, it's been something of a challenge.

So I changed my goal of "trying to think of" to "trying to find" something creative and unique to do in the new year, because there are a lot of very creative and unique people out there with fab ideas and, frankly, who am I to think I need to reinvent the wheel.

To that end, I just joined the group 365 Days on Flickr. Starting January 1, a self-portrait per day for 365 days. Sound like fun? I debated joining the group Wardrobe Remix, but after perusing the photos there and seeing a blatant lack of mom jeans, I decided my wardrobe might not be trendy enough.

So that's my challenge: a self portrait per day, without getting boring. We'll see...