Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15 of 365

A quick self portrait of me coming home from un-work today. I had a job this afternoon, which means arranging childcare, packing up my gazillion pounds of gear and putting on pants and makeup. When I got to the prosecutor's office I was informed that the deposition had been cancelled. But it didn't occur to anyone to call me. This is my life of freelance court reporting. I get a little secret jolt of happy when I find out I have a free afternoon, immediately followed by a big crashing wave of SHOW ME THE MONEY. It sucks. And because my participation in the 365 days of self portraits is supposed to be an exercise in self love, I won't even mention the horrid state of my effing eyebrows, which is so clearly illustrated in this unnecessary closeup.

Day 15 of 365 Days of Grace

1. Carpooling

2. Pink CD

3. Tall black boots

4. Tweed coat with a hood

5. Running on the treadmill without having my leg fall off

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